another technical blog...technically

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Restrict content types and related page layouts on list pages new button

This is one of the most recurrent tasks... dealing with pages list. You created your pages list content types, associated page layouts to those content types, and customers want to use only those content type and page layouts or simply. Ok, let's assume you have Example 04 deployed...

Monday, September 8, 2014

OnTaskCreated and DelayActivity epic fail: a inconsistent farm story

Some weeks ago a SP2010 workflow was driving me mad. I got a parallel activity and i need to wait the OnTaskCreated event on every task i was creating. Workflow started having some strange behaviours: Workflow suspended states; OnTaskCreated never firing on created tasks; I...

Monday, September 1, 2014

Device channel panels and web parts walktrough: the JS and content search query BUG

Let's continue from the first episode, haven't you read it? Check this link, download the code and load Example 04... Here we are and here is a smal recap from the last article... A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... A young SharePoint padawan was trying to use device...

Me, myself and I

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