another technical blog...technically

Friday, November 21, 2014

Provision a SharePoint 2013 farm with Azure and PowerShell

I begun to work on Azure one year ago in order to have a dev SharePoint 2013 to build some code since i don't have a powerful PC. Reading below articles, i was able to create my personal farm Step-by-Step: Build a FREE SharePoint 2013 Dev/Test Lab in the Cloud with Windows...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

OpenMap to JTS and JTS to OpenMap

Yesterday i received a newsletter about OpenMap, and i remembered university times. I also remembered i developed a small piece of code which helped me to convert OpenMap geomertries in JTS geometries. This was useful because Oracle DBMS uses WKT format to define spatial data, but at that time, there weren't UI components able to render directly WKT. Therefore,...

Me, myself and I

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I'm just another IT guy sharing his knowledge with all of you out there.
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