another technical blog...technically

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Onion Pi: Set up as a Wifi-to-Wifi Tor middlebox

Some weeks ago i bought a Raspberry Pi 2 in order to replace my old Raspberry Pi as media center... So i had some free time and unused spare wifi connectors and i decided to create a tor access point using this guides. This...

SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside part 2: what about friendly URLs

Have you read this? SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside I discovered it doesn't work for friendly urls, it shows hyperlinks targeting site collection, so it's not possible to reach other pages. Moreover you'll get this error if you only create a outbuond rule for URL rewriting because of the gzip compression. Outbound rewrite rules...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Targeting contents using XRANK in SP2013 problem

Lately i had to create a content priority/targeting system in SharePoint 2013, using search capabilities in a public context (so no target audience available). What you'll find below it's a targeting system based on managed metadata content tagging and dinamically generated queries using XRANK directives. Let's think about a enterprise model with a...

SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside

I gave you the possibility to create a SharePoint 2013 farm from scratch with ASPM... don't you know what it is? You can download it here So, let's assume you have a site collection ( on this SharePoint 2013 farm e you want to make it accessible...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Updating term set in SP2013

First of all, this is not something i discovered on my own, i just read it somewhere in the web and I never found the original post again, maybe because it was written in german (credits to the original author), so I decided to write this useful trick in english in order to help more people to accomplish the same task: updating a termset from code...

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