another technical blog...technically

Monday, March 26, 2018

How Excel VBO in 5.0.33 destroyed my weekend (again locale issue)

Some weeks ago I’ve discovered that even if BP was updated on customer environment, business objects were not. So I decided do update the Excel VBO at the last version: 5.0.33 and I started to see something strange. When I tried to set a formula in an excel cell the formula...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Playing with RDP and Surface Automation

This is a small blog post about a little trick very useful when you are in supervised-run phase. Typically in this phase, you run the process in debug mode at full speed on a particular machine in order to discover weak points of the automation and performance issues. If the automation is design to use surface automation techniques, desktop resolution...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Namespace collisions in BluePrism

This will be one of the shortest both on my blog and is about a short and sad story about code refactoring. I was trying to reorder business objects introducing namespaces, as you already know BP encourage to create more than just one business object per application: the problem...

Monday, March 5, 2018

An approach to exception handling in BluePrism

One of the things I dislike the most is the fact that when someone approaches RPA is lead to think that he/she doesn’t need any, programming language knowledge: sadly it’s not true. The proof of that is the poor exception handling I often see: we know from traditional programming...

Me, myself and I

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I'm just another IT guy sharing his knowledge with all of you out there.
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