another technical blog...technically

Monday, April 30, 2018

Just another out-of-date but maybe useful trick with KnockoutJS

I know what you're thinking about: another post on KnockoutJS? Again? To be extremely clear, i 've written this post a lot of months ago but i never completed and published, and really i could not just delete it. So today i will show you just a little example of comunicating widgets: it's not something complicated, but i think it can be also reproduced...

Monday, April 23, 2018

Another HOWTO about media center on Raspberry pi3 (Part 2/2)

I promised this article would be just a little bit more interesting, indeed i will share the bash scripts i did to manage some activities. I've created a simple script which send me an email when the IP changes, or it send me the IP by default at midnight. At first i subscribed to a service called smtp2go, installed ssmtp and configured...

Monday, April 16, 2018

Another HOWTO about media center on Raspberry pi3 (Part 1/2)

Hi guys, it's a long time i don't touch my raspberry pi 2 media server (from now LittleBox). So with the raspberry pi3 release, i decided to do a little upgrade and creating the new LittleBox. which is the same as the old one, but with pi3, so more powerful. Because of i have...

Monday, April 9, 2018

Update Content Type in sandbox solution: a forgotten beauty

Like i said in previuos blog posts, i'm using a lot BP with SP on premise or O365, in order to implement a centralized approach to attended RPA. As we already know, nowaday the most used approach is to use PnP scripts and this is something i really like, but i also have to deal...

Monday, April 2, 2018

A Blue Prism project with custom DLLs: 4 dummies

It seems this blog post was found really interesting from lot of you, but i also read a lot of comments about how can you set up a project and use DLL with BP, so i will show you a practical and really simple example. Here below the code of the DLL i will use, just two classes: Log...

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