pdf2data is a great product, but the web app install is not so well documented, moreover iText has a terrible customer service that simply doesn't reply to your email.
So if you have to start this web app you simply have this link which does not documents all the passages.
I assume you installed tomcat and following the guide you continue having errors, so:
So if you have to start this web app you simply have this link which does not documents all the passages.
I assume you installed tomcat and following the guide you continue having errors, so:
- Undeploy your pdf2data web app
- Rename the downloaded war file in directory "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\" simply in "pdf2data.war"
- Create a TEMP folder (eg. C:\TEMP) to host pdf2data temp files
- Create the file web.properties in c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\pdf2data". dir.temp is not documented and requires double backslash in the path, licensekey must be the absolute path of your itext license key
- Create a system variable PDF2DATA_PROPERTIES and set it to the path of the file from previous step (eg: "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\pdf2data\web.properties")
- Restart tomcat and enjoy your pdf2data template editor
dir.temp = C:\\TEMP licensekey = C:\itextkeylicense.xml mail.to= mail.smtp.host= mail.smtp.port= mail.ssl.smtp.port= mail.ssl.enable= mail.smtp.starttls.enable=