another technical blog...technically

Friday, September 11, 2020

Some t(r)ip with RabbitMQ

Recently, i made lots of experiments with RabbitMq with my friends and colleagues Alessandro Argiolas and Stefano Lazzati. We were interested in decoupling logic from ServiceNow to custom code, but, since we cannot leverage on powerful servers and we haven't permission to go...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

ServiceNow API and Attachment API

Lately i am using ServiceNow as a human-in-the-loop tool with RPA. Fortunally, not only as a front-end but RPA is becoming more and more the arm of the BPM workflow in the customer systems, and it's really fun to make it work together.In past projects i noticed that ServiceNow guys used to send file to external services using a sync call: this is for...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tips'n'tricks installing AA11 Citrix Remote Agent

It's been a long time i want to write this little blog post. I had some experience with Automation Anywhere 11, trying to setup it in an environment i could not create any Virtual Machine: so the only solution was to try to automate via Citrix.Since i'm not a big fan of surface...

Me, myself and I

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I'm just another IT guy sharing his knowledge with all of you out there.
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