another technical blog...technically

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

About SharePoint:FormField and custom column

Yesterday, i had to face SharePoint again. I created a custom type note field in which i inject custom HTML code (generated by code behind): and a custom edit form (for the related custom content type) in which i want to show this field. When i run the form, i noticed...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Workflow task SPUser field

Working with workflow, i had this problem: i created a User type custom field to map who is the user who started the workflow. I know there is a builtin field which does this work, but i need to create a custom one. So i tried to set the value with this code: this.taskProperties.ExtendedProperties["RequestedBy"] = this.WorkflowProperties.OriginatorUser; The...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Embarrassing stories: Visual Studio toolbox shows only General and HTML Tabs

My boss said "Varro, don't dare to use layouts folder or the custom form will be available to the farm, that's not good", so yesterday i tried to create an application page and deploy it using a module. So, when you create an application page in a SharePoint project, Visual...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Get site content types and site columns using PowerShell

Lately i'm working to a feasibility study for a intranet migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. During this project, i needed to know what are content types and fields were involved in the 2010 custom solution, in order to map them in SharePoint 2013 ones. My boss asked me to do this A.S.A.P., so i developed a powershell script capable...

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