another technical blog...technically

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

About SharePoint:FormField and custom column

Yesterday, i had to face SharePoint again. I created a custom type note field in which i inject custom HTML code (generated by code behind): and a custom edit form (for the related custom content type) in which i want to show this field. When i run the form, i noticed...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Workflow task SPUser field

Working with workflow, i had this problem: i created a User type custom field to map who is the user who started the workflow. I know there is a builtin field which does this work, but i need to create a custom one. So i tried to set the value with this code: this.taskProperties.ExtendedProperties["RequestedBy"] = this.WorkflowProperties.OriginatorUser; The...

Me, myself and I

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