another technical blog...technically

Monday, July 21, 2014

Some small (personal) updates

Hi guys, just few words.
I really want to thank you for visiting this blog, i've received lots of views and it's very important for me.
Dear visitors, i'd really like to interact more with you, so feel free to comment, ask, whatever... don't be shy :-) .
I wanna to tell you i've prepared lot of drafts during this week, and i'm going to talk about:
  • SharePoint 2013: Device channel panel and web parts
  • SharePoint 2013: Device channel panel BUG (Yes i've found it and MS is currently working to solve that!)
  • SharePoint 2013: Device channel panel BUG mitigation (Yes i've found it!)
  • SharePoint 2013: Other velocity considerations about quering objects
  • SharePoint 2010: Workflow OnTaskCreated action issue!
  • Restricting page layout and content type on SharePoint pages list
  • Security groups informations extraction via Powershell
  • Azure farm creation... with a script
"Ok, that's fine, you told us you have these draft, why don't you publish them"
Dear friends, work projects are becoming really challenging, and, meantime, i'm getting SharePoint 2013 certified... friends say i'm SharePoint addicted :-p and my head is focused on vacancies :-p be patient.
BTW, first exam passed: 70-480: Microsoft said i'm expert in CSS3, Javascript, HTML 5 and so on :), and right now i'm studying MVC... really intersting technology.
If you're interested in one of these posts, please let me know, so i will focus on writing following your interests.
Please use comments below ;-) .
written in: Milano, Italia

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