another technical blog...technically

Monday, December 8, 2014

Azure SPFarm Manager 1.1 released

You're asking yourself, why in the world, Varro is writing articles as fast as hell? I got the flu and lots of drafts. So here's a good new one, the new version of Azure SPFarm Manager. Here's the changes. No more BuildEnvironment.ps1 command, now it's named Build.ps1  Deprovision.ps1...

Howto to deal with workflow manager when it refuses to install

This is what happens when you come back from a vacancy week: Your (personal) mobile phone rings (yep i don't have a enterprise one) and customer asks why workflow manager installer for SP2013 farm, literally, "doesn't work"  You take tube and bus (with 30° C) to reach...

A simple script to log to verbose mode

Hi, this will be a quick post, just to show you a little PowerShell script (yeah, lately i'm in love with PowerShell) could be very helpful during bug hunting sessions. When you run the script, the log level is raised to Verbose and a new SPLog file is created for this verbose log. When you press a key, the log level is resetted to the default one,...

SharePoint 2013 workflow task related item field

Another day spent with SP2013 workflows. Do you remember when you had a task on SP2010 and you could get the workflow related item easily? Good, it was something like that taskItem["WorkflowItemId"] Today, the game has changed. Let's see this task view screenshot, everything...

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Get user in SharePoint 2013 workflows

Today i'll present you a resolution of a common question when dealing with SharePoint 2013 workflows: How the hell i get the user login name from a type user field? The answer should be straighforward, unfortunally it isn't: it depends from the user field xml parameters. Site...

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