Do you remember when you had a task on SP2010 and you could get the workflow related item easily?
Good, it was something like that
1 | taskItem[ "WorkflowItemId" ] |
Let's see this task view screenshot, everything lets you think you only have to do something like this
1 | taskItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.RelatedItems] |
This field contains a JSON string containing web, list and item id, so you have to adapt this field value in order to do some work from code behind...
RelatedItem is one of the new site column SP2013 available for developers and can be used for other purposes, not only in workflows; so i decided to write this little helper in VLibs which lets you to read/write this field easily from server side, since CSOM supports this field.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | [Serializable] public class RelatedItemFieldValue { #region Properties public int ItemId { get ; set ; } public Guid WebId { get ; set ; } public Guid ListId { get ; set ; } #endregion } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | public static List<relateditemfieldvalue> GetItems( string jsonString) { JavaScriptSerializer deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); object deserializeOutput = deserializer.Deserialize<List<relateditemfieldvalue>>(jsonString); List<relateditemfieldvalue> l = ((List<relateditemfieldvalue>) deserializeOutput); return l; } public static string GetItems(List<relateditemfieldvalue> relatedItems) { string jsonString = string .Empty; JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); jsonString = serializer.Serialize(relatedItems); return jsonString; } |
I wrote this little piece of code you can find in Example 08, which overwrites the task related field item with the first item of the workflow items list in a event receiver.
string jsonString = properties.ListItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.RelatedItems].ToString();
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | List<relateditemfieldvalue> relatedItems = RelatedItemFieldHelper.GetItems(jsonString); RelatedItemFieldValue r = relatedItems[0]; SPList l = properties.Web.Lists.TryGetList( "WorkflowsItemsList" ); SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.RowLimit = 1; query.Query = "<orderby><fieldref name=" ID "></fieldref></orderby>" ; SPListItem first = l.GetItems(query)[0]; int itemId = first.ID; r.ItemId = itemId; // Safety... never enough this .EventFiringEnabled = false ; properties.ListItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.RelatedItems] = RelatedItemFieldHelper.GetItems(relatedItems); properties.ListItem.SystemUpdate(); // Rollbacking safety setting this .EventFiringEnabled = true ; </relateditemfieldvalue> |
Even if i'm confident you know it, here's the link to VLibs code :-) .
Hi Valerio, you made my day. I had an issue where I'm using item event receivers on task list items and on the ItemAdded event, I'm overwriting the permissions of the current user and giving him read permissions on the task item. The problem is that "RelatedItems" field did not updated after that. Reading your blog pushed me to move my business to the ItemUpdated method with a little help from SharePoint which, I guess, is updating the task item after adding it (I'm sure thanks to the RelatedItems field) so I can rely on the ItemUpdated event knowing that it will be fired even when a task is created.
ReplyDeleteHi Mohamed, you made my day, with this comment :-)
ReplyDeleteBest regards and good work