another technical blog...technically

Thursday, August 6, 2015

SharePoint 2013 'Page not found (404)' with catalog item page and standard page

If you read these blog post: SharePoint 2010 ‘Page not found (404)’ page the way it should be and this Inconvenient Catalog Item Page and ‘Page not found’ (404) experience from the master Waldek Mastykarz , and you're here, you're one step closer to the solution. This blog post extends the Mastykartz strategy with just few lines of code.  Let's...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Publishing by search: what about video in HTML field?

I think the title it's someway self-explaing: we know that when you add a video to a HTML field, SharePoint doesn't use HTML5 video tag, but it installs a web part which show the video itself using a player. A video, in SharePoint, it's not simply a file, but a folder which...

Strategy: catalog connection with managed metadata multivalue field

Everybody knows about SharePoint catalog connection... maybe What if you have a pre-existing catalog connection and your customer asks you to switch from a single value field (generally ItemCategory) to a multivalue field? In a ideal world you should quote this and say "don't...

Deleting a host named site collection... for real

A simple problem: you have to delete a host named site collection in order to recreate it. When you try to recreate it, you get an error: SharePoint says the site collection already exists... if you restart the machine you'll be able to recreate it. What if you cannot restart...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Onion Pi: Set up as a Wifi-to-Wifi Tor middlebox

Some weeks ago i bought a Raspberry Pi 2 in order to replace my old Raspberry Pi as media center... So i had some free time and unused spare wifi connectors and i decided to create a tor access point using this guides. This...

SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside part 2: what about friendly URLs

Have you read this? SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside I discovered it doesn't work for friendly urls, it shows hyperlinks targeting site collection, so it's not possible to reach other pages. Moreover you'll get this error if you only create a outbuond rule for URL rewriting because of the gzip compression. Outbound rewrite rules...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Targeting contents using XRANK in SP2013 problem

Lately i had to create a content priority/targeting system in SharePoint 2013, using search capabilities in a public context (so no target audience available). What you'll find below it's a targeting system based on managed metadata content tagging and dinamically generated queries using XRANK directives. Let's think about a enterprise model with a...

SharePoint 2013 Azure farm accessible from outside

I gave you the possibility to create a SharePoint 2013 farm from scratch with ASPM... don't you know what it is? You can download it here So, let's assume you have a site collection ( on this SharePoint 2013 farm e you want to make it accessible...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Updating term set in SP2013

First of all, this is not something i discovered on my own, i just read it somewhere in the web and I never found the original post again, maybe because it was written in german (credits to the original author), so I decided to write this useful trick in english in order to help more people to accomplish the same task: updating a termset from code...

Friday, May 29, 2015

Azure SPFarm Manager 1.2 released

Since they changed something, i had to change something. Here's the new verion, what's new? Nothing, simply MS changed something about image names and i have to readapt the Build script. Now it works like a charm. The old config.xml will not work anymore (only if you wanna BUILD another farm). ImageFamily attribute was deprecated and now you have to...

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