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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Embarassing stories: console.log with IE Enterprise mode

I know, you're here and your soul is yelling: "why in the world, even if i'm working on IE11, there is someone who uses Enterprise mode, so i have to work in IE8 emulation mode?"
I don't know why, but this is something which makes me hate this work, even because right now i'm working a lot with AngularJS.
This post explains some simple tricks to make AngularJS and IE8 happy together: AngularJS and IE8 - Happy Together? and helped me a lot.
In my case i had also a custom action which was not working with Enterprise Mode. After banging my head for some hours i noticed that the code worked only when i use developer tools (you know, the wonderful F12 key), otherwise no joys for me.
The problem was simple: IE8 and console.log are not very happy together.
So i had to declare the custom action like you can see below:
<?xml version=" encoding="utf-8"><elements xmlns="">
  <customaction location="ScriptLink" scriptsrc="~sitecollection/Style Library/shared/consoleLogHelper.js">
  <customaction location="ScriptLink" scriptsrc="~sitecollection/Style Library/ca/ca_enabledScript.js">
  <customaction location="ScriptLink" scriptsrc="~sitecollection/Style Library/ca/ca_commandAction.js">
  <customaction ...="" commanduihandlers="">
        <commanduihandler command="CommandName" commandaction="javascript:MyProject.CommandAction('{SiteUrl}','{ListUrlDir}','{ListId}');" enabledscript="javascript:MyProject.IsEnabled();">
You can see on top consoleLogHelper.js, this script, if console.log is undefined, instantiate it so the code does not explode.

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