another technical blog...technically

Monday, December 8, 2014

Azure SPFarm Manager 1.1 released

You're asking yourself, why in the world, Varro is writing articles as fast as hell? I got the flu and lots of drafts. So here's a good new one, the new version of Azure SPFarm Manager. Here's the changes. No more BuildEnvironment.ps1 command, now it's named Build.ps1  Deprovision.ps1...

Howto to deal with workflow manager when it refuses to install

This is what happens when you come back from a vacancy week: Your (personal) mobile phone rings (yep i don't have a enterprise one) and customer asks why workflow manager installer for SP2013 farm, literally, "doesn't work"  You take tube and bus (with 30° C) to reach...

A simple script to log to verbose mode

Hi, this will be a quick post, just to show you a little PowerShell script (yeah, lately i'm in love with PowerShell) could be very helpful during bug hunting sessions. When you run the script, the log level is raised to Verbose and a new SPLog file is created for this verbose log. When you press a key, the log level is resetted to the default one,...

SharePoint 2013 workflow task related item field

Another day spent with SP2013 workflows. Do you remember when you had a task on SP2010 and you could get the workflow related item easily? Good, it was something like that taskItem["WorkflowItemId"] Today, the game has changed. Let's see this task view screenshot, everything...

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Get user in SharePoint 2013 workflows

Today i'll present you a resolution of a common question when dealing with SharePoint 2013 workflows: How the hell i get the user login name from a type user field? The answer should be straighforward, unfortunally it isn't: it depends from the user field xml parameters. Site...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Provision a SharePoint 2013 farm with Azure and PowerShell

I begun to work on Azure one year ago in order to have a dev SharePoint 2013 to build some code since i don't have a powerful PC. Reading below articles, i was able to create my personal farm Step-by-Step: Build a FREE SharePoint 2013 Dev/Test Lab in the Cloud with Windows...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

OpenMap to JTS and JTS to OpenMap

Yesterday i received a newsletter about OpenMap, and i remembered university times. I also remembered i developed a small piece of code which helped me to convert OpenMap geomertries in JTS geometries. This was useful because Oracle DBMS uses WKT format to define spatial data, but at that time, there weren't UI components able to render directly WKT. Therefore,...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Restrict content types and related page layouts on list pages new button

This is one of the most recurrent tasks... dealing with pages list. You created your pages list content types, associated page layouts to those content types, and customers want to use only those content type and page layouts or simply. Ok, let's assume you have Example 04 deployed...

Monday, September 8, 2014

OnTaskCreated and DelayActivity epic fail: a inconsistent farm story

Some weeks ago a SP2010 workflow was driving me mad. I got a parallel activity and i need to wait the OnTaskCreated event on every task i was creating. Workflow started having some strange behaviours: Workflow suspended states; OnTaskCreated never firing on created tasks; I...

Monday, September 1, 2014

Device channel panels and web parts walktrough: the JS and content search query BUG

Let's continue from the first episode, haven't you read it? Check this link, download the code and load Example 04... Here we are and here is a smal recap from the last article... A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... A young SharePoint padawan was trying to use device...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Device channel panels and web parts walktrough

Hi guys, this an article i wanted to write one year ago about device channel panels in SharePoint 2013. I think you know what a device channel is, don't you? "NO" It's a new "exciting" SP2013 feature which could be considered as responsive web design alternative (or complement)....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Howto solve Workflow suspended with HTTP 401 and survive to a demo

Today... demo day... Objectives:     Show the customer what he/she is paying for     Satisfy customer     Sell change requests     Earn project bonus So, basically, let's take another demo roundtrip and let's test...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Some small (personal) updates

Hi guys, just few words. I really want to thank you for visiting this blog, i've received lots of views and it's very important for me. Dear visitors, i'd really like to interact more with you, so feel free to comment, ask, whatever... don't be shy :-) . I wanna to tell you i've prepared lot of drafts during this week, and i'm going to talk about: SharePoint...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SharePoint 2013 Workflows task permission workaround

Hi there, I'm Troy McClure, maybe you remind me for the wonderful tutorial Visual studio SharePoint 2013 workflow walktrough /mode joke off Everyone noticed users can view/edit tasks but this is not a customer wish 99/100 times. Someone asked me how to change task permissions...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Is FAST query a data retrieval silver bullet?

Yesterday, a customer asked me pros and cons of Search in SharePoint 2013 and how it can help with FASTer queries. I already used it on another project and i was able to make some cross site collections and cross web applications queries using just one statement, so i told him...

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Visual studio SharePoint 2013 workflow walktrough

In this article i will show a brief (hopefully complete) example about workflow development in SharePoint 2013. If you have developed sharepoint workflows in visual studio, you could find this article useful. Before developing any workflow, it's necessary to link SharePoint...

Monday, April 28, 2014

SharePoint 2013 on i5? Sure (if you have a SSD)

Yesterday i was looking for an answer to the question: Will Dell Latitude E7440 run SP2013 like a charm or i'll have to ask for another notebook? Even if I looked around for a clear answer, as usual, the best way was try for myself. Let's start from my hardware configuration: CPU:...

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