another technical blog...technically

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Trust no one: especially about SharePoint Search

Some days ago, the customer said he want to be able to search files in OneDrive using O365 search. The solution is there: After Step 5, i went into the search site, selecting OneDrive result source, and i run the search with no parameter... wow only OneDrive results; after that i tried another...

Customize search results "without" display templates in O365

I know, the blog post is provocatory, but, i mean, if you have to modify something on default search results you'll probably say: "hey this is a no problem, we can modify display templates" Ok..ok that's true, but if i have to inject something in all results display templates, you'll probably know there are tons of those display templates, so you would...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Field validation formulas... and folder creation via CSOM

Lately i'm working on sandbox solutions, it seems customer prefers OOB solutions. Indeed i created (inspired from some blog posts written by people who knows things for real) those formulas for phone number and email: Phone (+39 080-1234567): =AND( (FIND("+";[Phone];1)=1); (ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID([Phone];2;FIND(" ";[Phone];1)-2)))); (ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID([Phone];FIND("...

Monday, August 29, 2016

AngularJS to SP2013 REST repository

Hi there, this is just a fast post about repository in AngularJS using REST API on SharePoint 2013. Someone could say "why don't you use SP client context etc. etc." but this is not a pros/cons post, just a simple snippet in order to copy/paste the code when you'll need it :) . I decided to post it since it was not so immediate and i had to play with...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Embarassing stories: console.log with IE Enterprise mode

I know, you're here and your soul is yelling: "why in the world, even if i'm working on IE11, there is someone who uses Enterprise mode, so i have to work in IE8 emulation mode?" I don't know why, but this is something which makes me hate this work, even because right now i'm working a lot with AngularJS. This post explains some simple tricks to make...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


As in the subject, i cannot work no more on ASPFM and VLibs, since: ASPFM could be replaced with the new wonderful Azure farm provisioning VLibs simply requires time, and right now, in my free time, i'm working on something more B2C That's it :) ....

Monday, April 25, 2016

Howto search for memory leak and save your marriage

Someone said (on friday afternoon): "your application got a memory leak and it's your fault". Because of my wife became very nervous when i gotta work during the weekend i asked some help in order to understand how to work this problem as fast as possible, so let's start with...

Me, myself and I

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I'm just another IT guy sharing his knowledge with all of you out there.
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